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Frequently Asked Questions

Jan Keller

About the posture correction program:

How do you assess my posture?

Through a visual postural assessment (Video/Photos). There is an option to see me in person at my gym in Cheltenham. However with the correct photos I can assess your posture. If you can supply videos, these are not essential but will also help.

How does the program work?

The programme is specifically designed so that it combats all the postural imbalances and strength deficiencies throughout the entire body (kinetic chain). All exercises are physical by nature and also functional movements.

There are three different workouts per week, each one has a warm-up and cool-down featuring a short aerobic activity and stretches. The main part of the program is a set of exercises tailored specifically to your needs. Results are often noticeable within a few sessions. After a month of following these workouts, you will receive a completely new program for the following month. The whole program will take four months and will not only correct your postural imbalances, but also increase your flexibility, core strength and muscle condition.

Do I need lots of equipment? Do I need to be a gym member?

If you are a gym member it really helps, otherwise you can buy some basic equipment for home use (gym ball, light dumbbells, elastic, barbell).

How is the program delivered?

Online. You will be able to view a description of each exercise with photos and view a demonstration video. You can then download the video to your PC and mobile device, plus there is a quick reminder page which you can print out. To see a demonstration of the member area of the site, along with a sample program, click here.

Don't I need to see someone in person?

If you live in close proximity to me I can see you in person, if not you can follow the programme online. My 1-2-1 clients train with me in order to see the exercises demonstrated and then train in their own gyms for three weeks before coming back for a new program. So there is not a big difference in using the online system. I am also available to answer any questions you may have about any of the exercises or the program.

How do I know I am training properly?

Full back-up and explanations will be provided with each and every exercise. We have recorded video footage for every exercise to make sure that the client is 100% confident in performing the exercise correctly. Also, constant e-mail support will be available at anytime.

What qualifications do you have?

  • BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science
  • NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • Postural Correction Specialist
  • SAQ Advanced
  • Tennis/Rugby/Badminton Coach

Common problems resolved through posture correction:

Can this program help sciatica? Lordosis? Sway Back? Scoliosis? Kyphosis?

Yes. The majority of the work I do is with Specialists eg, Surgeons, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and other professionals. I have had great success in helping correct Lordosis, Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Sciatica and other problems.

I have an injury - can I still do the program?

Depending on the severity of the injury, YES. This factor will be closely assessed before you commence. If you have any concerns, please contact us.

Will this help shoulder pain? Back pain? Knee pain? Carpal Tunnel?

YES. I will take an in-depth look at your specific injury and tailor the programme to your individual needs eg, Shoulder mobility / Lower back trouble/ knee re-hab etc...

Program benefits:

Will this help my driving / sitting posture?

Definitely. This programme is designed to enhance 'Overall Postural Balance'.

How does this improve sports performance?

A stronger posture will increase power and strength output, stronger movement capabilities, support from the core muscles will allow strength when in contact situations, improve rotational ability of the trunk, increase muscle strength, balance, co-ordination and more.

Can this improve my health?

YES, definitely without a doubt. You will see improvements in:

  • Flexibility
  • CV fitness
  • Core strength
  • Muscle conditioning

Related treatments:

Can I just do Yoga or Pilates?

You will not get the results from these that the PC program can deliver.

Pilates is completely different from Postural Correction Training. While it will certainly benefit your health, Pilates and Yoga are generic and very 'gentle' exercises. PC is a physical training programme.

What about chiropractic? Physiotherapy? Sports massage? Podiatry? Osteopathy?

YES. All of these treatments and methods work hand - in -hand with Postural Correction Training.

How does this compare to other methods such as Alexander / Feldenkrais / Bowen / Egoscue?

It will generate quicker results and results that will last. Postural Correction training is a long-term solution. Osteopathy/Chiropractic treatment is a short-term solution to pain relief. The above methods are very subtle treatments. They are more concerned with breathing, relaxation of the muscles. PC is a physical exercise training programme. It will enable the client to physically contract and re-model the muscles that are weak and correct the postural imbalances through the major joints of the body using resistance.


What format are the posture correction videos?

All videos on the site are HTML5 based and should be viewable straight away in most cases, if you are having trouble viewing the videos please update your internet browser.

Exercise videos are available in two downloadable formats: MP4 for use on iPods and WMV for use on PDAs and a number of handheld devices. If you find that either of these formats do not work on your phone / portable device you can download super© for free which has presets allowing you to convert the video into a suitable format.

Can I download the photos and videos?

YES, subject to our terms and conditions and for your own use. The videos are downloadable so that you can view them on your PC or handheld device for your reference and while you train. There is a summary 'quick reference' page within your program with a photo of each exercise. You can also print the individual exercise pages which have guidelines for that particular exercise. We recommend that you print whatever material you need in order to feel comfortable following the exercises and if possible, use the downloadable video files as well.

What if I can't view the videos or have problems with my PC / mobile device?

We've made the videos available in two formats so that the majority of internet users should be able to view them without any problems:

MP4, suitable for iPods / iPhones and

WMVs for PDAs and windows-based devices.

Between these three formats, over 99% of customers are able to view videos online and download them for a mobile device.

Given the vast number of browsers, mobile devices and operating systems there is a remote possibility that the downloads may not play on your device. In these rare cases, our technical team will be happy to support you to make sure you have the best experience possible of the site. We are continually working to make the site and service as smooth and accessible as possible and to deliver an even better service to our loyal customers. Should you experience any technical issues whatsoever we welcome your feedback in order that we can iron out the process and make your experience as hassle-free as possible.

Where can I buy equipment for home training?

You can buy gym balls, bosu balls, stretch bands and weights at Totally Fitness, who ship to the UK and abroard. Visit Totally Fitness

Try the keller posture programme, including access to video workouts for 14 days free of charge.